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Roll Through The Ages: The Bronze Age

Roll Through The Ages:  The Bronze Age
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List Price: $39.99
Our Price: $20.00
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1 - 4
30 - 45 min.
Designer: Matt Leacock

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Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 101119

Description Rulebooks & Downloads
Build a thriving civilization--in under an hour! Collect goods, assign workers to build cities and erect monuments, advance your civilization through cultural and scientific developments, but don't forget to harvest enough food to feed your growing population. Grab those dice and Roll Through the Ages in this addictive and strategic game. Players roll dice to obtain commodities and workers to build up their civilizations. Dice can be rerolled twice unless they come up as a hazard. Players use their workers to build infrastructure to support additional works or to build monuments that are worth points. At the same time commodities are gathered which allow your civilization to develop. Once all monuments or five developments are achieved by a player the game ends at the end of the round, points are counted, and a victor is declared!


This product is a Knowledge in a Box game that would be great in a classroom or other educational setting. Eagle and Gryphon Games would love to continue to help educational facilities bolster their game collections and game playing activities. If you are an educator, please check out the "Knowledge in a Box" section of our main menu and send us an email at [email protected] to learn more about our educator programs!
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