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Continental Divide

Continental Divide
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List Price: $59.99
Our Price: $30.00
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3 - 6
14 +
120 - 180 minutes
Designer: John Bohrer

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 101658

Description Specifications
Tame the American Continent! The Civil War is over! America strives to connect sea to shining sea with iron horses and steel rails, opening the vast untamed lands to millions of adventuresome citizens weary of war. This strategic railroad game extends from the muddy Mississippi to the coast of California.

Each player takes the role of the President of a Railroad, building across the vast plains, high mountain ranges, burning deserts and dense forests of the Western US, crossing the Continental Divide!

Continental Divide is not a game of luck or chance, but a competitive struggle of wits, savvy and guile. Many decisions await the creators of these railroads, including what routes to build, how to capitalize, and what goals to set -- both short and long term. This modern classic has all the challenges faced by the empire building capitalists that created a modern superpower.

Origins Preview- Continental Divide

1 Game Board

• Rules Booklet

• 288 Railroad Cubes- 36 of each of 8 colors

• 80 shares of Railroad Stock- 10 for each railroad

• 1 Red Turn Order deck with 6 cards

• 1 Blue Turn Order deck with 6 cards

• 8 Charter Cards, 1 for each railroad

• 1 Game Turn Locomotive

E•G•G Money

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