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HUH? A Hilarious Party Game

HUH? A Hilarious Party Game
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List Price: $21.99
Our Price: $6.00
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Designer: Antoine Lepagnol

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 102114


Huh? Is a fun party game for family and friends, where players attempt to describe movies or famous people in unusual ways. The goal for the player who is giving the description is to have the least number of players understand what you are talking about! If over half the players catch on, then no one scores. However, there must be at least one person that answers correctly for points to be awarded.

The great part about Huh? is that there are no limitations on how to describe the movie or famous person. You can act, sing, draw, pantomime, basically any form of communication as long as all players can hear or see your description. This game play leads to some really funny moments since you achieve points for being obscure, but not too obscure.

113 - "Huh?" Cards
4 - Number of Player Cards
1 - Pad of Score Sheets
1 - One-Minute Timer
1 - Set of Rules

Adam's Boardgame review- Huh?