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Faux Diamonds

Faux Diamonds
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Our Price: $29.99
2 - 6
20-60 minutes
Designer: Mike Fitzgerald

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Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 102343

Description Specifications Rulebooks & Downloads

Faux Diamonds is a 4-suit trick-taking card game in which players sell their cards (diamonds) on value tracks that change after each sale. After a series of hands, the winner is the player who has accumulated the most wealth.

You have tough choices to make. Will you sell high by winning the trick? Or, if you don’t have any of the suit led, which alternative market gives you the best chance of profit? But be careful, your opponents can also play faux diamonds at any time, and this will cause the markets to fluctuate. Play the markets right, and you can get rich selling Faux Diamonds!

Faux Diamonds is #25 in our
Gryphon Bookshelf Series.

Faux Diamonds - Unboxing

  • Rule Book
  • 60 Diamond Cards: 52 cards of rank 1 to 13 in each of 4 suits (Black Pear, Yellow Trillion, Pink Princess, & Blue Round) plus 8 Faux Diamond cards
  • 12 Player Aid cards
  • 5 Diamond Value Track Rules cards (double-sided, sets A-J)
  • Dealer token
  • 17 Diamond Value Track tiles
  • 4 Magnifying Glass tokens
  • 70 Wealth counters (40 clear, 20 red, 10 blue)