Mystery Rummy Case #3: Jekyll & Hyde
Eagle-Gryphon Games and U.S. Games Systems, Inc. have partnered
together to bring back Mike Fitzgerald's beloved series of Rummy based
card games that have been out of print for far too long.
Jekyll & Hyde provides a great twist with multiple suits of 5 cards each with the suits designated J for Jekyll, H for Hyde, or J/H for suis that count as both Jekyll and Hyde. The unique mechanism in this version is that there is a two-sided card (the "identity card") on the table next to the draw deck, which has Jekyll on One side, and Hyde on the other. You can change the identity by playing a "potion" card that lets you flip the identity card and draw 2 cards from the deck. This is important, because you can only play melds whose suit matches the identity that is currently showing and it also makes for a tense endgame as scoring is also affected.
Contents: 62 cards 4 overview cards rules